Immunoglobulin peptide against melanoma

Eric Almeida Xavier *, Fabricio Castro Machado and Luiz Rodolpho Raja Gabaglia Travassos

Experimental Oncology Unit, Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology, Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences, 2022, 02(01), 009–013.
Article DOI: 10.53346/wjapls.2022.2.1.0037
Publication history: 
Received on 14 December 2021; revised on 13 January 2022; accepted on 15 January 2022
Was investigated a peptide named L12P obtained from human immunoglobulin Lambda joining 1 (IGLJ1) before recombination. The peptide previously showed activity against fungi, which motivated us to investigate the antitumoral activity against murine B16F10 melanoma tumor cells. To test the biological activity of the peptide against tumor cells different tumor phenotypes were initially assayed in vitro, such as migration, adherence and cell cycle. Hence, the selected peptide displayed significant action in vitro against melanoma cells. In conclusion the present work may suggest a functional molecules derived from immunoglobulin with future potential therapeutic.
Peptide; Antitumor activity; Cell cycle; B16F10 melanoma; Cell migration
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