Estimation of errors due to errors in the detection of reference points of the arterial blood pulsation signal
Department of Biomedical Engineering Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku, Azerbaijan, Az1073, av.H. Cavid, 25.
World Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences, 2022, 03(01), 007–012.
Article DOI: 10.53346/wjapls.2022.3.1.0035
Publication history:
Received on 12July 2022; revised on 03September 2022; accepted on 05September 2022
The issues of detection of reference points of the arterial blood pulsation signal under the influence of physical and physiological artifacts are considered. Comparison of schemes for detecting the reference point of the arterial blood pulsation signal is carried out. As a criterion for the effectiveness of the scheme for detecting reference points of the arterial blood pulsation signal, the methodological error in determining the temporary position of the reference point from the true value was chosen. It has been shown that among the parametric means for detecting the reference point of the arterial blood pulsation signal, the most effective is the amplitude-time detector based on synchronous processing of ECG signals and arterial blood pulsation.
Arterial blood pulsation; Reference point; Methodological error of estimation; Detection circuit; Circuit efficiency
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