Dental prosthetic rehabilitation of a patient with parafunctional habit: A case study

Atanas Shukov 1, Budima Pejkovska Shahpaska 1, 2, *, Dusanka Stefanovic 1 and Elena Mirceva 1

1 PHI University Dental Clinical Centre ̎St. Panteleimon̎-Skopje, N. Macedonia.
2  ̎Goce Delcev̎ University, Faculty of Medical Sciences-Stip, N. Macedonia.
Case Report
World Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, 2024, 06(01), 015–018.
Article DOI: 10.53346/wjapmr.2024.6.1.0031
Publication history: 
Received on 21 December 2023; revised on 28 January 2024; accepted on 31 January 2024
Introduction: Parafunctional habits such as clenching, grinding, gnashing of the teeth leave multiple consequences on the natural dentition if left untreated.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to represent a patient treated prosthetically with parafunctional habit of clenching his teeth.
Material and methods: For the purpose of this study a 42 year old patient was analyzed, treated and rehabilitated with metal ceramic anterior dental bridge. He was treated with a dental splint before beginning of the treatment. His left central maxillary incisor, left maxillary lateral incisor, and left canine were treated endodontically, and then restaurated with posts and cores. After that a dental frontal aesthetic bridge was manufactured. Because the patient has a habit to clench his teeth, he needs to be monitored so that he does not damage the anterior bridge, which is the reason why a dental splint was designed for protecting the patient.
Results and Discussion: Patients with parafunctional habits represent a highly challenging group for treatment. Authors worldwide have tried to find optimal solutions on how to help patients with different parafunctional habits and how to prevent them in the future. In this case study the patient was successfully treated and rehabilitated.
Conclusion: The consequences that parafunctional habits can leave on the dentition can be observed, and dental prosthetic treatment can create functional – aesthetic solution that needs to be preserved.


Dental prosthetic rehabilitation; Parafunctional habit; Dental splint; Endodontically treated teeth.
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