The need to properly mark the site for surgery before patients are put under anesthesia: Case report of a patient with an un-identified site under anesthesia

Orhe O.G 1, *, Ebereghwa E. M 1, Emuoghenerue E. O 2 and Anyanwu E. B 1

1 Department of Family Medicine, Delta State University Teaching Hospital, P.M.B 07, Oghara, Nigeria.
2 Department of Radiology, Delta State University Teaching Hospital, P.M.B 07, Oghara, Nigeria.
Case Report
World Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, 2023, 04(01), 017–019.
Article DOI: 10.53346/wjapmr.2023.4.1.0014
Publication history: 
Received on 09 December 2022; revised on 20 January 2023; accepted on 23 January 2023
The need to properly identify patients that are booked for surgical interventions is absolutely important. All efforts must be made to prevent any mistakes in the operating room that could be due to operating on the wrong part of the body, for an example must be guided against. Such errors may include giving wrongly labeled blood to the wrong patient, or administering wrong medication to the wrong patient. These actions may be life threatening at worst, or may end up in the law court for unwarranted carelessness and injuries. This short case report was of a patient who was booked for supra-abdominal hernia repair, but who was already under aesthesis when the surgeons discovered that they could not locate the hernia orifice anymore. This was because the patient could not bear down under pressure for the abdominal protrusion to be evident.
Patients; Identity; Operation site; Mistakes
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