Visual art exhibition: An agent for political stability in Nigeria

Idibeke Amos John 1, Ndem Emmanuel Joseph 1 and Edem Etim Peters 2, *

1 Department of Fine and Industrial Arts University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria.
2 Department of Fine Arts and Design, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
World Journal of Engineering and Technology Research, 2022, 02(01), 012–017.
Article DOI: 10.53346/wjetr.2022.2.1.0035
Publication history: 
Received on 02 July 2022; revised on 11 August 2022; accepted on 13 August 2022
Visual Arts exhibition, by its nature, holds a mirror up to society, reflecting its interests and concerns while at the same time challenging its ideologies and preconceptions. With the state of political instability in Nigeria today, artists through the medium of visual art exhibition have distinct role to play that may ensure that those factors that accelerate instability be curtailed. The problem this paper addresses is that, these roles played by visual art through exhibitions are being overlooked and not recognized by some artists in Nigeria and the non-artist alike, of which, this paper is aimed at portraying. Information was gathered using primary and secondary sources and the findings made shows that visual art exhibition can serve as an agent for fostering political stability in Nigeria.
Visual Art; Exhibition; Politics; Stability
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