Knowledge, availability, and parental support on fruit and vegetable consumption behavior in adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Irma Handayani 1, *, Asrial 2, Ummi Kalsum 3 and Haryanto 2

1 MIPA education Doctoral Program, Universitas Jambi, Indonesia.
2 Universitas Jambi, Indonesia.
3 Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Jambi, Indonesia.
World Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 2024, 05(02), 074–082.
Article DOI: 10.53346/wjast.2024.5.2.0035
Publication history: 
Received on 17 May 2024; revised on 22 June 2024; accepted on 25 June 2024
Introduction: Consumption of fruit and vegetables is still low, especially among teenagers, even though they play a very important role in immunity and preventing various diseases. The research objective is to analyze the influence of knowledge, availability of fruit and vegetables, and parental support on adolescent fruit and vegetable consumption.
Methods: Systematic review research with meta-analysis of previous primary research results that met the inclusion criteria using PICO, the database used by Google Scholar and Crossref.  The keywords "Adolescent Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Behavior" or Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Behavior in Adolescents, "factors or determinants or risk factors or causal factors" and "adolescent knowledge, availability of fruit and vegetables, parental support", were obtained from 7 articles. the initial search of 5420 articles. Data analysis using the 5.4 application.
Results: There was an influence of adolescent knowledge on fruit and vegetable consumption behavior (P=0.0003), there was no influence of fruit and vegetable availability on adolescent fruit and vegetable consumption behavior (P=0.18), and there was no influence of parental support on fruit and vegetable consumption behavior (P=0.26) There is no publication bias.
Conclusion: Adolescent knowledge influences fruit and vegetable consumption behavior in adolescents. It is recommended that health workers increase education to teenagers regarding fruit and vegetables as an effort to improve behavior and will contribute to actions in consuming fruit and vegetables among teenagers.
Adolescent knowledge; Availability of fruits and vegetables; Support of parents; Fruit and vegetable consumption behavior
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